‘Screech’ is an award-winning Demerara Rum that is manufactured in Jamaica for an exclusive bottle and branding agreement with Newfoundland’s Liquor Corp. As the name suggests, this is a unique marketing concept which is based on a steeped history of trade that defines our island’s partnership.


Newfoundland Screech Rum

Together with our Caribbean cohorts, we form a perfect triangulation with valuable American markets in Boston and New York. Markets that “needed” Newfoundland’s salt fish protein, and “desired” the sweet carbohydrates derived from Jamaica’s sugar cane plantations. The best of Newfoundland’s fish would sell quickly at state side, so only the poorest grades of fish were carried on to Jamaica where it was traded for rum, molasses and sugars. The best of these products would again be left in New England, with the remaining cargo completing the voyage to Newfoundland.


While the American’s may have received the best of our resources – our islands benefited from the economic opportunity, as well as the plenitude of edibles which have become so intricately woven into our cultural fabric. With such vast quantities of basic ingredients, we’ve created a host of unique products that define our personality and a willingness to make the absolute most out of every opportunity; highlighted by Jamaica’s national dish of ‘Ackie and Fish’, as well as Newfoundland’s unique brand of ‘Screech’ with its many varied uses.


“… trade away an old salt fish….”


Here are some of our favorites:

1. Libations – Newfoundland’s most famous highball is a ‘Dark n Dirty’, two shots of ‘Screech’ mixed with Pepsi Cola. We don’t prefer the coke out this way so don’t bother asking for it. These days, some prefer to simply sip their ‘Screech’ and enjoy the wonderful tastes that have brought many accolades to this award winning rum. Others tend to get a little fancy with their ‘Screech’, and we’ve even developed a company drink which we’ve aptly named ‘McCarthy’s Party’ – Two shots of screech in a large tumbler of ice, mix with Fresca, and finish with a splash of Red Bull. You won’t grow wings but it’ll put some lift in the day.

2. Medicinal – For many years the people of Newfoundland have used ‘Screech’ as a disinfectant, a soothing toddy, or a mental escape from everyday stressors. Conversation usurps laughter as the best medicine, and there’s nothing so inspiring as a lovely drop of rum. Rum also reduces risk of heart disease, aids sleep quality, strengthens bones, and inhibits the onset of Alzheimer’s

3. ‘Screech’ is the perfect gift for just about anyone who enjoys a drink. Whether you’re looking out to a kindly Newfoundlander or hoping to impress your boss and his discerning palette, Screech is a treat that everyone enjoys.

4. Cooking with screech has been a long standing tradition in Newfoundland – though admittedly most is consumed used during the preparation of the meal. It can be used as a marinade, for jus or gravy, and as a delightful sauce.



5. Baking with ‘Screech’ can include any role from “scorching” a rum pudding to a perfect sugar substitute / addition to any molasses-based recipe. Ask the Newfoundland Chocolate Company about their brilliant samplings of screech flavoured chocolates and treats. Not to mention Purities Factory’s rum ‘Kisses’. 

6. While we normally associate food pairings with wine, rum has made inroads with the foodie world. Newfoundland ‘Screech’ is tops when it comes to preparing the palette for any game meats of any variety. We’re constantly after our sister in law to enter a seal flipper pie, a feed of Turres, or her famous rabbit stew with a ‘Screech’ pairing for the ‘Gold Medal Plates’ Olympic fund raiser our brother Mark runs each fall


7. Bragging rights. Just as everyone thinks they’re a great driver, they often mistakenly feel the same when it comes to drinking. Its probably not a good idea to profess such talents on an island that boasts so many alcoholic flavours and brands that are unique to its countrymen. How much rum must we drink to support the ‘Screech’ brand, not to mention Cabot Tower, Old Sam and now a whole line from a local distillery? But for those who hail from here, and those visitors who survive to tell the story – you will certainly have something to talk about, both during and after any “Rum Session”





8. Themed Events – ‘Screech’ provides a perfect excuse, as well as unlimited possibilities, for fun, signature party favours and decorating. From the ‘Screech Reach’ to ‘Rumantic Dining’ – you bring the rum and I’ll bring the antics.

9. Conversation – Nothing inspires good banter like the many unique qualities associated with ‘Screech Rum’. From the story of its namesake to the tales it inspires – great laughs and much fun are guaranteed wherever you find Newfoundland ‘Screech’. Of course, it also helps when you have a Newfoundlander along to keep the up “Beer Parlour Talk”


10. Screech In – ‘Screech’ is viewed as a testament to the intelligence of the Newfoundland people. “Anyone that can trade away an old salt fish in exchange for such a sweet nectar, can’t be half so stund is they looks!”. We consider anyone smart enough to find themselves in Newfoundland deserving of the acknowledgment and a very special welcome celebration.

“Long may your big jib draw!”

Andrew McCarthy