Francis Corrigan told a great little story when we were discussing the advantages of using a local guide in Newfoundland (see Mark’s blog on this topic earlier this year – ‘Safe Assure’ )

Last year Frances was directing a group that overlapped a tour company from the mainland who were operating on an identical itinerary to ours. The groups intermingled frequently throughout the trip as they were even booked at the same restaurants McCarthy’s Party use for our tours. On this particular occasion though, and despite the fact that they left for the hotel at the same time – Francis arrived about an hour later than the other group. When approached by the visiting guide at supper that evening, it was suggested that Francis must have somehow “gone astray” on the afternoon run.

To which Francis replied, “No man, we stopped to see the caplin roll!”



“Where did you see that? How did you know they were rolling?”

“Boy, I could smell it in the air when we stopped for lunch, and when I saw the gulls ‘gone to wing’. We took a detour that I knew would lead us to the beach, and there they were! What a time we had.”



For those of you who weren’t fortunate to share these experiences please enjoy the attached video and photos from last summer. Notice how sandy the “landwash” is on what is normally a pebble beach.

Enjoy the show and please like our Facebook page.

Andrew McCarthy